Friday, 20 December 2013
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
If you 'have something done', you get somebody else to do something for you.
- I'm going to have my hair cut.
- She's having her house redecorated.
- I'm having a copy of the report sent to you
In informal English, we can replace 'have' by 'get'.
- We're getting a new telephone system installed.
- They will be getting the system repaired as quickly as they can.
- I got the bill sent direct to the company.
We can also use
'have/got something done' in situations where something bad has happened
to people or their possessions. This is not something they wanted to
- John had all his money stolen from his hotel bedroom.
- We had our car damaged by a falling tree.
- I got my nose broken playing rugby.
Verbo “have/had” + object + Past Participle |
More examples:
have/had | object | past participle | |
I had | my nails | polished. | |
I need to have | my car | painted | |
They are having | the school | repaired. | |
She had | her carpet | cleaned. | |
Where did you have | that photograph | taken? | |
They had | an extra room | built. |
Let´s practice:
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Use of Passive BY www.ego4u.com
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Example: My bike was stolen.
In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows:
Example: A mistake was made.
In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.).Form of Passive
Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)
Example: A letter was written.
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:- the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
- the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
- the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)
Examples of Passive 
Tense | Subject | Verb | Object | |
Simple Present | Active: | Rita | writes | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | is written | by Rita. | |
Simple Past | Active: | Rita | wrote | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | was written | by Rita. | |
Present Perfect | Active: | Rita | has written | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | has been written | by Rita. | |
Future I | Active: | Rita | will write | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | will be written | by Rita. | |
Modal verb | Active: | Rita | can write | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | can be written | by Rita. |
Examples of Passive
Tense | Subject | Verb | Object | |
Present Progressive | Active: | Rita | is writing | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | is being written | by Rita. | |
Past Progressive | Active: | Rita | was writing | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | was being written | by Rita. | |
Past Perfect | Active: | Rita | had written | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | had been written | by Rita. | |
Future II | Active: | Rita | will have written | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | will have been written | by Rita. | |
Conditional I | Active: | Rita | would write | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | would be written | by Rita. | |
Conditional II | Active: | Rita | would have written | a letter. |
Passive: | A letter | would have been written | by Rita. |
Passive Sentences with Two Objects
Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive voice means
that one of the two objects becomes the subject, the other one remains
an object. Which object to transform into a subject depends on what you
want to put the focus on.Subject | Verb | Object 1 | Object 2 | |
Active: | Rita | wrote | a letter | to me. |
Passive: | A letter | was written | to me | by Rita. |
Passive: | I | was written | a letter | by Rita. |
Personal and Impersonal Passive
Personal Passive simply means that the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. So every verb that needs an object (transitive verb) can form a personal passive.
Example: They build houses. – Houses are built.
Verbs without an object (intransitive verb) normally cannot form a
personal passive sentence (as there is no object that can become the
subject of the passive sentence). If you want to use an intransitive
verb in passive voice, you need an impersonal construction – therefore
this passive is called Impersonal Passive.
Example: he says – it is said
Impersonal Passive is not as common in English as in some other languages (e.g. German, Latin). In English, Impersonal Passive is only possible with verbs of perception (e. g. say, think, know).
Example: They say that women live longer than men. – It is said that women live longer than men.
Although Impersonal Passive is possible here, Personal Passive is more common.
Example: They say that women live longer than men. – Women are said to live longer than men.
The subject of the subordinate clause (women) goes to the beginning
of the sentence; the verb of perception is put into passive voice. The
rest of the sentence is added using an infinitive construction with 'to'
(certain auxiliary verbs and that are dropped).Sometimes the term Personal Passive is used in English lessons if the indirect object of an active sentence is to become the subject of the passive sentence.
Monday, 25 November 2013
participar todos l@s alumn@s matriculad@s
en esta escuela oficial de idiomas para el presente curso 2013/2014. Cada
concursante sólo podrá participar con un plato, incluso aquellos alumnos que
tengan multimatrícula (matriculados en inglés y alemán).
tres modalidades:
plato salado
plato dulce
modalidad de decoración
valorará el sabor (modalidades salado y dulce) y la presentación del plato
(modalidad de decoración), así como que se trate de platos típicos de estas
fechas, ya sean españoles, ingleses, alemanes…
del plato:
platos deberán entregarse el día 19 de
diciembre en el aula 20 A PARTIR DE LAS
18:00 HORAS
entregarán tres premios: al mejor plato salado, al mejor plato dulce y a la
mejor presentación. Los premios consistirán en vales valorados en 30 € cada uno
a canjear en la librería Siddhartha. Los platos no se podrán retirar pues serán
degustados por el alumnado y miembros del jurado.
comisión evaluadora estará integrada por los miembros del claustro de
profesores de la escuela y del consejo escolar.
de bases:
concursantes, por el hecho de participar en el concurso, aceptan todas las
cláusulas de estas bases.
participar todos l@s alumn@s matriculad@s
en esta escuela oficial de idiomas para el presente curso 2011/2012. Cada
concursante sólo podrá participar con una tarjeta, incluso aquellos alumnos que
tengan multimatrícula (matriculados en inglés y alemán).
tema será el de la Navidad en cualquiera de sus aspectos. Podrá introducirse
texto bien en inglés, bien en alemán. Se valorará la calidad y creatividad.
formato de la tarjeta ha de ser de Din A5 (15 x 21 cm).
de entrega:
plazo de admisión de los trabajos será desde la publicación de estas bases
hasta el día 14 de diciembre a las 21 horas.
del trabajo:
trabajos deberán entregarse en la secretaría del centro.
entregarán tres premios: 1er premio, 2º premio y 3er
premio consistentes en vales valorados en 40 €, 30 € y 20 €, respectivamente, a
canjear en la librería Idiomátika.
Tanto las obras premiadas como las no premiadas permanecerán en la escuela.
comisión evaluadora estará integrada por los miembros del claustro de
profesores de la escuela y por compañeros del seminario de artes plásticas del
I.E.S. Agustín de Bethencourt.
de bases:
concursantes, por el hecho de participar en el concurso, aceptan todas las
cláusulas de estas bases.
esta ficha en un sobre cerrado. Graparle un sobre con la tarjeta
correspondiente. Poner en el sobre de la tarjeta únicamente el número de la
tarjeta e idioma (Ej. Nº1 Inglés/ Nº1 alemán).
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Thursday, 14 November 2013
How to Pronounce -ed in English
How to Pronounce -ed in English
By www.englishclub.com
The past simple tense and past participle of all regular verbs end in -ed. For example:
base verb (v1) | past simple (v2) | past participle (v3) |
work | worked | worked |
- I like painted furniture.
The answer is: In 3 ways - / Id/ or / t/ or / d/
If the base verb ends in one of these sounds: | example base verb*: | example with -ed: | pronounce the -ed: | extra syllable? | |
unvoiced | /t/ | want | wanted | / Id/ | yes |
voiced | /d/ | end | ended | ||
unvoiced | /p/ | hope | hoped | / t/ | no |
/f/ | laugh | laughed | |||
/s/ | fax | faxed | |||
/S/ | wash | washed | |||
/tS/ | watch | watched | |||
/k/ | like | liked | |||
voiced | all other sounds, for example... | play | played | / d/ | |
allow | allowed | ||||
beg | begged |
* note that it is the sound that is important, not the letter or spelling. For example, "fax" ends in the letter "x" but the sound /s/; "like" ends in the letter "e" but the sound /k/.
The following -ed words used as adjectives are pronounced with /Id/:
- an aged man /Id/
- a blessed nuisance /Id/
- a dogged persistence /Id/
- a learned professor - the professor, who was truly learned /Id/
- a wretched beggar - the beggar was wretched /Id/
- he aged quickly /d/
- he blessed me /t/
- they dogged him /d/
- he has learned well /d/ or /t/
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Second conditional
copyright: www.englishgrammarsecrets.com
The Second Conditional is used to talk about 'impossible' situations.
If we were in London today, we would be able to go to the concert in Hyde Park. If I had millions dollars, I'd give a lot to charity. If there were no hungry people in this world, it would be a much better place. If everyone had clean water to drink, there would be a lot less disease.Note that after I / he/ she /it we often use the subjunctive form 'were' and not 'was'. (Some people think that 'were' is the only 'correct' form but other people think 'was' is equally 'correct' .)
If she were happy in her job, she wouldn't be looking for another one. If I lived in Japan, I'd have sushi every day. If they were to enter our market, we'd have big problems.Note the form 'If I were you' which is often used to give advice.
If I were you, I'd look for a new place to live. If I were you, I'd go back to school and get more qualifications.The Second Conditional is also used to talk about 'unlikely' situations.
If I went to China, I'd visit the Great Wall. If I was the President, I'd reduce taxes. If you were in my position, you'd understand.Note that the choice between the first and the second conditional is often a question of the speaker's attitude rather than of facts. Compare these examples. Otto thinks these things are possible, Peter doesn't.
Otto – If I win the lottery, I'll buy a big house. Peter – If I won the lottery, I'd buy a big house. Otto – If I get promoted, I'll throw a big party. Peter – If I got promoted, I'd throw a big party. Otto – If my team win the Cup, I'll buy champagne for everybody. Peter – If my team won the Cup, I'd buy champagne for everybody.Note that the 'If clause' can contain the past simple or the past continuous.
If I was still working in Brighton, I would commute by train. If she were coming, she would be here by now. If they were thinking of selling, I would want to buy.Note that the main clause can contain 'would' 'could' or 'might.
If I had the chance to do it again, I would do it differently. If we met up for lunch, we could go to that new restaurant. If I spoke to him directly, I might be able to persuade him.Also note that sometimes the 'if clause' is implied rather than spoken.
What would I do without you? ("if you weren't here") Where would I get one at this time of night? ("if I wanted one") He wouldn't agree. ("if I asked him")
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Aprobar la expresión escrita de los exámenes de la EOI,
o de Cambridge, en 5 pasos.
Quería esperar a tener más posts en el blog sobre temas específicos para mejorar la expresión escrita (puntuación, orden de las palabras), pero hace unos días encontré esta fantástica página donde vienen prácticamente todos los aspectos a tener en cuenta en la expresión escrita. Aunque no quita para que yo escriba en el futuro sobre los mismos temas en este blog -con otro enfoque y en español- he decidido daros ya los consejos para aprobar los "writings" de los exámenes de la EOI o de Cambridge. Así que aquí van.
Razones por las cuales es difícil escribir en inglés correctamente
Hay dos razones por las cuales puede resultar difícil aprobar el "writing" de estos exámenes.
La primera, y principal razón, es que tus pensamientos están escritos en tu cabeza en español y, por tanto, cada vez que intentas escribir una frase en inglés lo que haces es pensarla en español e intentar traducirla. Como consecuencia de ello, lo que escribes en inglés es casi siempre incorrecto.
Por ello, considero que es inútil empezar a escribir antes de tener cierto dominio de las estructuras en inglés. En este contexto, es importante que aprendas primero las estructuras correctas y luego intentes escribir, y no al contrario.
Para que compruebes hasta qué punto tus pensamientos están escritos en tu idioma materno, haremos una sencilla prueba.
Escribe, por favor, un párrafo sobre el trabajo, o los estudios, que estás realizando actualmente. ¡Venga! Ponte a pensar cómo escribirías ese párrafo corto. ¿Lo tienes ya?
Te pongo, a continuación, un ejemplo de párrafo que he encontrado escrito por un estudiante de inglés.
¿Se parece este párrafo al tuyo?
I'm working in a (2) juridical advising company and (3) my functions in this company is
(4) concerning to taxes and financial investment on markets, (5 y 6) advising to the
companies which is the best investment for them.
Actualmente estoy trabajando en una
empresa de asesoramiento jurídico y mis funciones en esta empresa están
relacionadas con los impuestos e inversiones financieras en los mercados,
asesorando a las empresas sobre cuál es la mejor inversión para ellas.
Veremos ahora cuántos errores contiene este texto.
Lista de errores
1. Actually: Es incorrecto. Es una traducción literal de "actualmente". Actually, en inglés, no significa "actualmente", significa "realmente". Podrías decir, por ejemplo: "No, actually, I'm not working there". "No, realmente, no estoy trabajando allí". Para decir "actualmente" deberás decir: "currently", "at the moment", "in the present". Nunca
2. Juridical advising company: No es inglés. El nombre de este tipo de empresas es "Law Firm", pero quien ha escrito el párrafo piensa directamente en "Empresa de asesoramiento jurídico" y así lo escribe, quizás con la ayuda de un traductor automático. Mira, en estos ejemplos, como aparece "legal advice" o "legal counsel", pero jamás "
3. My functions: Nuevamente una traducción literal de "mis funciones". No suena muy inglés, aunque lo he visto en varios párrafos en internet, creo que es más frecuente decir: "My responsibilities" o "My job involves". Además, "my functions" es plural, por tanto, no se puede decir: "is". Tengo que decir: are... En este caso, el autor del párrafo ha perdido la concordancia sujeto-verbo.
4. Concerning to: Traducción literal de "concerniente a". Se dice: "concerning taxes" (sin "to"). Mira aquí cómo se usa "concerning". Verás que no hay ningún ejemplo en que "to" vaya detrás de "concerning".
5. Advising to the companies: Traducción literal de "aconsejando a las empresas". No se dice "advising
6. El texto tiene, finalmente, errores de estructura, tales como los que hay en esta frase:
"...financial investment on markets, advising
Este último error, conecta directamente con la segunda razón por la cual es difícil escribir en inglés correctamente. Para escribir bien necesitas conocer la técnica correcta. NO se trata de escribir solamente, se trata de escribir de una determinada manera que debes de aprender.
Veamos cómo escribir el mismo texto en inglés sin recurrir a "la traducción de pensamientos".
currently working in a law firm as a tax advisor. My responsibilities are to provide
legal advice on taxes and financial investments for companies.
¿Ves las diferencias?
El texto es más corto y da más información más precisa sobre lo que hace el autor del texto.
¿Cómo se logra esto? Aprendiendo una técnica y practicando mucho.
La técnica correcta en 5 pasos
¿Recuerdas que para probar el exámenes orales de la EOI necesitabas un sistema?
También para aprobar la expresión escrita necesitas un sistema. Si no tienes técnica, o tu técnica no es la correcta, no aprobarás.
Esta es la técnica correcta en 5 pasos:
1) Debes conocer el estilo de texto que tienes que escribir.
Aquí tienes ejemplos de diferentes estilos de textos para el FCE (que también te valen para la EOI). Estudia bien y analiza cada uno de estos estilos. Recuerda que los estilos son tu mapa y sin mapa no puedes llegar a ningún sitio.
2) Antes de empezar a redactar tu texto, escribe tus ideas.
Para que se te ocurran ideas debes intentar preguntarte y responderte preguntas como: ¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo? ¿A quién/es? ¿De quién? ¿Qué ocurrió? ¿Qué hacer?
Por ejemplo: Tienes que escribir una carta a editor de un periódico local en relación con los contenedores de reciclaje que han colocado en tu zona para fomentar el reciclaje. Aquí tienes el examen . Fuente: EOI de Durango (País Vasco)
La carta tiene ya escrito el principio y el final. Tú tienes que pensar en todos los problemas que la colocación de estos contenedores ha supuesto.
La carta comienza con:
I was extremely pleased when our local council eventually placed special bins in the area to encourage recycling. There are, however, several problems.
For one thing________________________ (a completar)
Y acaba con:
I do think that these suggestions might help solve the situation. The rest depends both on the council and our neighbours' willingnesss to act in a more civilised manner. (Name, Surname and ID Number)
- Los contenedores son de material inflamable. Responde a ¿cómo o de qué?
- Unos gamberros quemaron los contenedores. Responde a ¿qué ocurrió?
- Podrían reemplazarse por otro tipo de contenedores no inflamables. Responde a ¿cómo?
- Los contenedores están situados junto a una zona donde hay muchas ramas secas. Responde a ¿dónde?
- Podrían situarse a 100 metros junto a una zona sin vegetación. Responde a ¿cómo y dónde?
3) Empieza a escribir un borrador con frases cortas.
Escribe solo una frase para cada idea. No más. Esto es muy importante así que lo repetiré. Escribe sólo una frase por idea. Luego, las podrás unir con mucho cuidado valiéndote de conectores.
Por ejemplo:
- For one thing, the recycling bins are made of plastic. --> Material inflamable
- Unfortunately, they were burnt by a group of yobs last night.--> ¿Qué ocurrió?
- They could be replaced by metal bins which are non-flammable--> ¿Qué hacer?
5) Fíjate en el "word order" u "orden de las palabras". Esto, también, es muy importante porque el orden de las palabras no es tan importante en español como en inglés. Esta página te ayudará a organizarte. Más ayuda.Y más ayuda. No te olvides de los conectores para enlazar tus ideas. Tampoco te olvides de las comas. Y de otros detalles de la puntuación. Por último, una vez que hayas acabado el texto, no te olvides de revisarlo.
Además, puedes utilizar la demo gratuita de paragraph punch para prácticar. Y Linguee junto a Bab-la.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Used to
(from www.englishgrammar secrets.com)
(from www.englishgrammar secrets.com)
Used to do
We use 'used to' for something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens.
- I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago.
- Ben used to travel a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, he doesn't.
- I used to drive to work but now I take the bus.
We also use it for something that was true but no longer is.
- There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn't.
- She used to have really long hair but she's had it all cut off.
- I didn't use to like him but now I do.
'Used to do' is different from 'to be used to doing' and 'to get used to doing'
to be used to doing
We use 'to be used to doing' to say that something is normal, not unusual.
- I'm used to living on my own. I've done it for quite a long time.
- Hans has lived in England for over a year so he is used to driving on the left now.
- They've always lived in hot countries so they aren't used to the cold weather here.
to get used to doing
We use 'to get used to doing' to talk about the process of something becoming normal for us.
- I didn't understand the accent when I first moved here but I quickly got used to it.
- She has started working nights and is still getting used to sleeping during the day.
- I have always lived in the country but now I'm beginning to get used to living in the city.
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